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Advertising techniques

Advertising does two main jobs. It tells people about something, like a product or a service and it also works to make people want to buy the product or service.

Ads (advertisements) do their jobs in many different ways. Many printed ads have headlines or boldly printed words that make people stop and read them. The headline may promise something that the reader wants, like a good price. Other headlines may carry the announcement of a new product.

Some ads use slogans that are used over and over again .They are easy to remember and often use a catchy phrase. Sometimes slogans are not related to the product.

In many ads a famous person talks about a product and tells why they use it. This person may be an actor, a model or a well-known athlete. Or they may just be an average user of a product.

Ads also compare a product with another one of the same type. The ad points out why a product is better.

Some ads feature cartoon or product characters. They may appear in an ad over a long time. The characters become well known and people identify them with a product.

Repetition is one of the most basic techniques used in the advertising business. Advertisers broadcast their commercials several times a day for days or weeks to get the message across. When people see an ad more often they may be more likely to accept the message and want the product.